How to Strengthen writing Skill

Writing is the expression of language in the form of letters, symbols, or words. The primary purpose of writing is to communicate. People have used many tools for writing including paint, pencils, pens, typewriters, and computers. The writing can be formed on the wall of a cave, a piece of paper, or a computer screen. The writing process includes pre-writing, composing, revising, editing, and publishing. There are many kinds of writing such as expository, narrative, descriptive, imaginative, and persuasive. Literature is a type of writing that includes poetry, novels, plays, and short stories.

There are some suggestions to strengthen your writing skills
1. Read a variety of sources, including plays, essays, fiction, poetry, news stories, business writing and magazine features. Reading various sources can help you to get idea what to write.
2. Practice writing in real situations. Write letters to the editor, or letters to a company requesting information. Writing emails is good practice, but realize that writing for school and business is usually more formal than an email to a friend.
3. Share your writing with others and get feedback. Feedback helps you anticipate how readers might interpret your writing and what types of questions they might have. This can help you anticipate what a reader might want to know.
4. Become familiar with current issues in society and develop your own opinions on the issues. Think of arguments you would use to convince someone of your opinion. Taking speech and debate classes can help you think through issues and communicate them to others.
5. Try some extracurricular writing. School newspapers, yearbooks, and creative writing clubs offer opportunities to express ideas in writing.
6. Learn to see writing as a process—brainstorming, planning, writing and then editing. This applies to all writing activities.
7. Listen to the advice your English teacher gives you about your writing.
8. Keep practicing. Remember that everyone can improve writing skills. You might think others are more talented, but you know more than you think. Confidence and skill will grow with the more writing you do. Practice and work lead to achievement.

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Indra Mahardika XI IA 3.26 said...

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Indra Mahardika XI IA 3.22 said...

Sorry, my right number is 22, not 26

Faizal XI IA 3.14 said...

Thanks for your tips. I'll try it.