Hi friends, what about your holiday last month? Now I want to tell you about my holiday experience. Last month after we finished the last exam, we had to start the school holiday. Yes, school holiday three weeks was full, but I couldn’t do anything in my holiday. Actually I did anything in my holiday but not special. My holiday was bored. Everyday I just did nothing. Sometimes I just slept in my bad. I know my holiday was very bored and so long, so I tried to make some activities during my holiday. I tried to jog every morning, I tried to read some book, and always tried to doing anything to make my holiday more interesting. School holiday would finish, and I was still bored because I never went to anywhere. I was confused, I was bored, and I couldn’t do anything. Now Sunday and tomorrow was Monday its mean tomorrow I would be going to school again after three weeks I did my school holiday. I did nothing in my school holiday but there was a happy thing in the holiday because I did not study. Can anyone give me suggestions so I am not bored???
A B F XI IS 2-7

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