We had to separate

In my holiday later, I went to Tlatar, a fishing and farm of fish area, with my friends. We went there by motorcycle. We gathered in SMA N 1 Surakarta at 7 o’clock A.M. After all of Grade X.5 students arrived, we left for Tlatar. Along the street we saw many cars, many motorcycles and many buses. After about hour we arrived at Tlatar. The first activity that we did in Tlatar was immortalizing this moment. And then when we waited for lunch time, we bought corn and ice klamud. After minutes, lunch time came, so we went to the restaurant to have lunch. The menu of the lunch was rice with catfish, everybody got one but several boys got more because they were still hungry. After having lunch, we prayed in the mosque because the time showed 12 o’clock. Then after we had prayed, we chose one boy or girl in every nomination for grade X.5 awards. There were many categories in grade X.5 awards, such as the laziest, the most diligent, the most quiet, etc.
At 2 .pm the party was over but we still wanted together. So some of us continued the tour to Selo, an area near the Merapi volcano. We went there by motorcycle too. After we came in Selo we felt very enjoyable, because the panorama was very beautiful. After enjoying the panorama in Selo, we went home however we felt very sad because we had to separate to our own home and own way.
(Kukuh-XI IPA8-17)

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